Introduction and BRANCHES OF BIOLOGY Biology The study of the living thing is called biology. It helps us to understand nature. The biologist study living things but they also study the non living things which affect the living things. ~ life and its Characteristics~ The biologists explain only how life works. Life has following these characteristics A. The living organisms are highly organised B. They have complex structure. C.their body is composed of one are more cells D. They contain genetic programs of their characteristics E.They can produce and use energy F.Many chemical Reaction takes place in them. G.They can grow in size. H.They maintain constant internal environment. I.They produce offspring. J.They show response to change change in environment. 2.Branches oF BIOLOGY Biology is a vast subject,therefore,biology is divided into many branches for study. A.Embryology The study of the development of an embryo till it is hatched or borne is called...