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Introduction and BRANCHES OF BIOLOGY

Introduction and BRANCHES OF BIOLOGY
The study of the living thing is called biology.
It helps us to understand nature.
The biologist study living things but they also study the non living things which affect the living things.
~life and its Characteristics~
 The biologists explain only how life works. Life has following these characteristics
A. The living organisms are highly organised
B. They have complex structure.
C.their body is composed of one are more cells
D. They contain genetic programs of their characteristics
E.They can produce and use energy
F.Many chemical Reaction takes place in them.
G.They can grow in size.
H.They maintain constant internal environment.
I.They produce offspring.
J.They show response to change change in environment.
2.Branches oF BIOLOGY
Biology is a vast subject,therefore,biology is divided into many branches for study.


The study of the development of an embryo till it is hatched or borne is called embryology
The study of functions of the different parts of an organism is called physiology


The study of form and structure of the different parts of the organisms is called morphology.

D. Anatomy

The study of the internal organs of an organism is called anatomy,it is also called intenal morphology, for example study of eye.
E. Histology
The study of the tissue of an organism is called histology,example study and of iris l.lens and cornea of eye.


A group of similar cells having same origin and performing the same function is called tissue.

G. Paleontology

The study of fossils and their relation with the evolution is called paleontology.


The dead remains of the living organisms of their imprints preserved in the rocks are called fossill

I. Evolutuon
State that present species have descended with modification from the species that were existed in the past.


The study of transfer of the hereditary character from the parents to the offspring is called genetics


The study of the distribution is f the animals in different regions of the earth is called zoogeography.

L.Molecular biology
The study of the molecular structure of the organisms,their cells or the organelles of the cells is called molecular biology.

M.Environmental Biology or Ecology:

The study of relation between the organisms and their environment is called environmental Biology.the interactions between the organisms and their inorganic and organic environment are studied in this branch.the relation of these interaction with the human activities is also studied.

    The study of the micro organisms is called microbiology. For example study of bacteria,viruses.protozoa,microscopic algae and fungi.
O.Fresh water biology:
   The study of the organisms living in freshwater bodies and the physical and chemical parameters of these bodies is called  freshwater biology.the fresh water bodies are like rivers,lakes etc

P.Marine Biology
the study of marine life and physical and chemical parameters of sea or oceans is called marine biology.


   The study of the parasites is called parasitology. The structure mode of transmission,life histories and host-parasite relationships are studied in the branch.
R.Human Biology:
The study of man is called human biology.the structure function histology anatomy morphology evolution genetics cell biology and ecology of human being are studied in this branch.

S.Social Biology:

The study of the social behaviour and communal life of human being is called social biology.


The use of living organisms, their systems or processes in the manufacturing and services industries is called biotechnology.


  1. Please give me the notes of Ethology

    1. Inshal Allah
      After few days notes of ethology will be uploaded.


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